Thursday, October 24, 2013

Back from a blogging break!

Well hello there!
It's been such a long while since I blogged...I think my last post was back in March.
I've been so very busy with life that blogging just wasn't on the agenda.
How I've missed it though :)

So much has happened since March...some good, some bad...mostly good though.
I'm planning on doing a 'life post' in the near future but for now I just want to share a few changes I've had on the creative front.

As I was so busy and not getting much time at all to scrap or get anything creative done for that matter...I was finding it all a chore.
So I am no longer on the Scrap FX or Flourish With A Bling design teams.
Both of those companies are AMAZING and fabulous people to work for and I do believe if you're going to be on a need to commit 100%. I just couldn't do it.

I then went through an awful period of not scrapping at all and can I was just the pits :(

Recently I went on a Retreat and after such a long break I was lucky the mojo just seemed to flow.
It was awesome and really hit home the reason why I started this amazing journey in the first place.
So I made the decision then and there that I would find time to scrap. Find that time to record our memories and create pages for our albums.

Just after that a DT call went out for the awesome sketch blog Inspired Blueprints. So I thought...why not give it a go?
Sketches always get the mojo flowing and even when you're really busy...the bones of the layout are done for you so all you have to do is interpret it the way you want.
This would also ensure I'd get pages done and fit a little creative time in too.
So I applied...and guess what??
I made the DT!! WOOHOO!!
The line up of talent is simply AMAZING so I'm really excited to be creating alongside these wonderful girls.
Here's a list of the DT:
Pretty cool huh?

So stay tuned for my very first Inspired Blueprints layout...coming very soon. :)
Chat soon,


Unknown said...

Woohoo, great to see you blogging again!! Love your work!! Great team ha!! Ren

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what you come up with! Glad you're back :)

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