Hiddy ho chickaroonies!
Hope your all well and warm this cold, miserable day!!
OMFG...if it doesn't stop friggen raining here..I'm seriously going out to build an ark!
Fair dinkum...now I know how Noah felt!
Apart from this awful weather, I am having a ball at ScrapNCrazys' cyber crop which is on again this weekend.
They are the best cybercrops I've ever been too and if you get the chance...come over and say hi!
It's not too late to join in and the girls there are fabulous!
Excellent company and the best challenges EVER!!
Thanks for all the well wishes for my grandfather.
I'm happy to report that he is now home...well not his home he is staying at my mothers which is just around the corner from me. He is doing OK but in saying that I was quite shocked to see him yesterday and how much he has deteriorated over the last week and a bit. He seems to have aged 10 years and the poor ol' fellow is 89 years old now!!
God love him...he is a fair dinkum Aussie legend.
I had a phonce call from my father at 2.30a.m this morning...he'd called an ambulance for himself as he was shivering that much he couldn't get his breath.
He had an operation on Tuesday to have....guess what??...a HERNIA removed!
He was OK and not in that much pain when he came home but he started to feel a little icky later on in the week.
The ambos came and checked his vitals and he seemed to be OK so he opted to stay home and go to the medical centre today. Apparently he had a high temp. but was otherwise OK so the doc said it was more than likely a virus he was catching or something similar.
Also last night we had a phonce call from Michaels step mother informing us that he's grandfather had just been put in a hostel after a bad turn during the week. OMFG...what is this with grandfathers and fathers??
Michaels grandfather turned 90 last Xmas Eve and he is a living legend also. Unfortunately though, he lives in Queensland and we don't see him much.
I suppose it all comes down to age doesn't it?
It really is hard watching our older folk get sick, especially when they've never had a sick day in their lives. It's very hard and very sad. :(
News on the home front...Josh worked his last day yesterday as a chef for a while. He is going to start concreting with Michael on Monday but continue his Tafe studies in the evenings.
He's wanted a change for a while but I've been on his back about finishing his apprenticeship. However, a couple of weeks he was harrassed by some Islander guys on the way home from work on the train, the stinking assholes!!
He told my brother and my mother but told them not to tell me 'cos I stress too much. Hello??? Wait till he has kids!
So, I've bitten the bullet and decided that my sons health is more important to me than his career. I really hated him coming home on the train that late at night from the city anyway.
Miss Rhiannon has had a confirmation letter back from NSW Area Health and should get an appointment soon for her to start Nursing shortly. Can't wait for her...it's her dream job and she'd make an AWESOME nurse!
The boys have all settled into watching old movies this afternoon seeing as there is nothing else they can do in this weather.
Awesome scrapping weather though!! Gotta love that!
Well..I'm off to check my roast pork and add some veges to the pan.
Mmmmmmm...gotta love winter comfort food too!
Take Care
Sharryn :)
Hey Shazz!
Hope ur grandfather is doing heaps betta.
& they say a change is as good as a holiday.(Josh's job with Michael)
I hope the wait for Rhiannon isn't too much longer.
Scrapping?....whats that?...LOL
Catch ya
Hope Ocker is doing well. And that everything is OK with you, havent seen you for a few days :)
Grea news about Rhiannon, fingers crossed for her :)
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