Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Another day...another dollar

Hey dudettes,
How goes it?
Hope you're all well...well as well as can be for hump day!! LOL
We had our fabulous cyber crop on the weekend over at Scrap N Crazy and I just have to say girls...if you get a HAVE to come along to the next one!
Seriously, we have the best ever cyber crops there!
I hosted the Make & Take challenge this time around and this I wanted to do something just a tad different.
I found these gorgeous little teeny tiny shoes..these are mine:

Aren't they just the sweetest? Great for newborns or baby showers or whatever floats your boat really!!

I received my copy of SM last week and almost keeled over to find my very first layout accepted by them...which was like...a year ago this month..was FINALLY in there!!
It looks kind of old now but it's finally there and it's funny that it's published a year after I got the acceptance and well after others have been published.
It is a LO of my DH:

I remember doing that for Mardis Scrap to Shop challenge at Memory Bugs all those months ago. Remember Mardi?? LOL

On the home front:
Poor 'ol Josh has given up his chefs job to work with Michael for a while but hasn't had a start yet due to the weather. OMFG...I am SO over this friggen rain it's not funny!! Michael hasn't worked all week so if anyone has any recipes for dog food please send them our way 'cos I'm guessing thats what we'll be eating next week!!

Speaking of recipes, Mardi sent me an email to be part of this great email recipe swap and wow...I've had some fabulous recipes sent my way!!
So thanks Marda Farda!!

Rhiannon asked could she sleep at her boyfriends house last night. :(
Yeah yeah I know shes now 18 and shes been with this guy for a while but's so hard to let go!!
It's not like they were there alone or anything...he still lives with his parents but it's just the thought of my girl staying overnight at a boys house.
He's a lovely boy...well actually he's a man...he's 20...but just as much as our babies didn't come with manuals..neither do our teenagers and it's just so bloody hard..especially when they are girls...especially when it's an only girl out of 6 kids!!

The 'fearsome foursome'...(youngest 4) are all doing well. Everything is fine in that department...thank goodness!!

I was supposed to be taking my grandfather home tomorrow but my mother has messaged me to say he's not going now...which I suppose is a good thing.
He sholdn't be home alone but most elderly people think they are young'uns and don't like to be considered burdens etc etc.
I haven't rang her yet but hopefully shes talked him into staying with her a bit longer. He's still very wobbly on his 'ol pins but it's heartbreaking seeing him and knowing that his life will never be the same again.
He won't ever be able to drive again..something that at 89 years old he was doing only 3 weeks ago before his stroke. Nor will he be able to cook for himself, or look after himself in his home again without some aid.
Very sad. :(

On a brighter note..I won a great pack of scrapping supplies from FK last week!
I was stoked to receive a parcel from the delivery man that I wasn't expecting to find a scrapbooking prize inside...and one I didn't know I won! Awesome!!

Well thats it for me chicks...take care and chat soon!!


Mardi said...

Hellllooo...havent chatted for ages!!
...and Yes!!...I do remember that layout .. and I was just thinking while reading your post...I could probably do the scrap to shop challenge
Isnt it funny when older layouts are published...its liks a little step back in time...I had an oldie published in the last not me anymore.

I have to agree...Ive been loving the recipe swap...I hesitated to begin with...becasue Im not huge on forwarding emails like that...but Im so glad I did....I have got some of the best recipes!!

LOL at you and Rhiannon...its hard isnt it...and Im guessing much more when its a least Brents girlfriend is nearly alwasy with us...much easier ...I know they are ok and safe.

Talk soon..take care chickie....Mardi xx

Julie said...

Hey those shoes are gorgeous!!!!
I was eyeing them off @ Tammy's with envy that I couldn't join the fun.
PMSL @ the dog food! ya crack me up girl.
Cool about winning the scrap supplies....BONUS!
have a great week

BethJ said...

Shaz, I am so sorry to hear about Ocker. Also about your baby girl growing up - now that part of parenting really scares me! I was just saying to Steve the other week, Kate only has 10 years till she can get her L's - argh!!!
Great layout of Michael and those shoes are just so cute! Take it easy dudette!

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