Friday, December 12, 2008

Bad blogger me!

Well haven't I been a slack blogger lately?
There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day anymore to get anything done!
So it's a point form post tonight :)

*Firstly, it is my gorgeous boy Jedds 14th birthday today! I can't believe he is that old! Man these kids of mine are growing up at the rate of knots!
I managed to get this pic of him in what little lighting we have in this bat cave of a house!

Unfortunately it has poured down raining here all day so he didn't get to ride his new 'uber-cool' Razer Pro scooter he has been wanting for ages :( Hopefully I'll get some pics of him over the weekend riding it.
He chose KFC for his birthday dinner and we just had a chocolate birthday cake for him. A kids feast!

* My big boy Josh has come back home to his Mummy and Daddy :)
One of the boys that was sharing the house moved out which meant the cost went up for Josh so I suggested he come back home which he did. Now it seems he'd never moved out at all. Only down side to having him home is he's become addicted to the Internet so now it's someone else to fight over the computer with!

* Rhiannon received an early (and very expensive) Christmas present from Steve in the furry form of a new puppy named Teddy. He is way too cute and is a schnauzer.

A couple of weeks back Rhiannon won a competition on Mix 106.5 called the Ultimate Shopping Spree. It was for a day out shopping at several different outlets and shopping centres and chauffered around in a stretch Hummer. She took Jayden along with her as he has a 'thing' for Hummers at the moment.
I have to say though for the cost of the Hummer to hire for the day the vouchers the winners received for each place was a bit ordinary. $25- for each place except for the Good Guys where they got a $20- voucher. So much for the Ultimate Shopping Spree! Bring your own wallet more like it!!

* Jayden has had a huge month. He has just completed his School Certificate (Yr 10) and is a Senior now. The school put on a lovely Mass and awards presentation the other night but guess who's camera battery died just as he went on stage to receive his award?? Grrrrrrrr.........
We are so proud of him though and can't wait to see what his senior years of high school have in store for him.
I've mentioned before that every year since Yr 7 he has gone on a Retreat as a Group Leader looking after disabled kids and adults and this year was the organisations 21st birthday so they invited the boys along for the evening which was lovely of them. They paid for their tickets (thank God as they were $110- per head!) but it also meant new clothes etc 2 weeks before his Yr 10 Formal. So we've spent some time lately out clothes shopping with him which obviously he loves!
I'm so glad I took him for a photo shoot before he left for the function as the night of his Formal absolutely poured with rain and I hardly got any decent pics of him or the limo he went in. :(
Here is the little spunk on the night of the function. Isn't he just model material??

The photos I got weren't the best so I'm glad he got some done at the Formal which turned out great. I'll upload them when I get them.

* Jye has been a bit of a worry for us in the past few weeks due to illness. He, Jack and I all had some sort of stomach virus which wasn't one of those 'OMG I'm so sick type' but rather one of those awful stomach pain 'feel like crap' viruses but we couldn't eat which made it worse.On the Monday afternoon though Jye had this God awful rash all over his body that came on all of a sudden. His lips started going blue and he complained of a tight throat so I rushed him up to the Medical Centre, bypassing the hospital as I knew it would be a wait there. They took him straight into the treatment room and gave him a shot of adrenalin. The doctor said it was a severe allergic reaction to something, probably food, however he had hardly eaten for half a week. Michael had sprayed the back decking the afternoon before so I thought he might have been bitten by something to which the doctor agreed. They kept him there for a while and sent us home with strict isntructions to race him back if the rash came back and a pack of antihistamines. The next morning the rash had all but gone except for a mans hand size mark on the inside of his thigh so I took him up to the hospital as he was still complaining about his throat being tight. The Paed. registrar up there said he thought it was a reaction to food and kept him there for a 4 hour observation, again with instructions to bring him back if it recurred. By 3.30p.m that afternoon the rash came back with a vengeance along with the blue lips and tight throat so it was back up the hospital we went. The same Paed. registrar was on and nearly did a backflip when he seen how bad the rash was this time. He rushed him straight into the kids emergency room, gave him another adrenalin shot and tablets and again, kept him in for 4 hours observations. This time though another 'doctor' came and had a look at him. By this time, as you can imagine, I was slightly agitated with the whole thing and couldn't understand why they weren't doing something more to find the cause. So when this 'doctor', who fair dinkum had the bedside manner and personality of Elliot Goblet told me he had hives I couldn't hold it in any longer and told him he was a dead set idiot! I wasn't prepared for Jye's reaction to being told he had hives though as he literally jumped off the bed and in a loud voice said 'Do I have Aids?' WTF?? I remember the thought going through my mind 'How does a 12yr old kid associate hives with aids?' until we got home and he was still rather panicked when he was telling me that the day before was National hives Day and how the cricketers wore red ribbons on their sleeves for it. Thats when the penny finally dropped that it was, in fact, national HIV Day and thats where he'd gotten Aids from!! Far out! WRONG! LOL It took ages for Michael and I to get it through to him that no, HIV isn't short for hives, they are two totally unrelated things but I'm sure to this day he still doesn't believe us. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough over the Xmas school holidays when he doesn't get any invitations to friends houses!!

* Jack. Well what can I say about this kid at the moment. Wednesday he was elected colour captain at school which he was absolutely stoked about! He was so stressed that he wouldn't get his speech done as the kids that wanted to run for captains had to do their speeches at home but seeing he was sick one of the teachers rang up and said they were giving him special permission to write his speech at home. So he wrote it, he wrote it again, then he wrote it again. And again. And...again! When he finally got back to school on the Tuesday he was so pumped that when we got out of the car he WAVED TO THE LITTLE KID IN THE CAR NEXT TO US!! I fair dinkum thought he was going to start kissing babies!! He would've given Barack Obama a run for his money! They finally found out on Wednesday morning who was captain and I'm so glad he got it. He was just on top of the world!
Unfortunately that little world of his came shattering down on him Thursday morning though :(
I received a phone call at 8.00a.m with the shattering news that a gorgeous friend of mines husband, who was also Jacks best mates' dad, had passed away in tragic circumstances the night before. I had no idea what to tell him as he was quite close to this man and he and his friend are inseperable. I ended up taking him to school and telling him in the Principals office with the Principal. He was absolutely devastated and ended up spending the day with his mate at the family home. I am so, so proud of the way he has shown support to his friend and his family. This kid of mine is 11 years old but seems to have the wisdom of a very old soul, way beyond his years sometimes. He amazes me with his insight and the mature way he handles some things while still remaining quite young for his age socially. I guess thats what makes kids 'kids.'Well thats it for me for tonight. Just a catch up post. I'll be back soon with some Xmas pressie share pics. Have a great weekend and stay safe.
S xx


Sonia said...

Hugs to you all....feeling for you at the moment.

Gabriella said...

oh sharryn! so many ups and downs! you must be feeling exhausted before xmas even comes. I hope things are settling down.

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