Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Things in 3's!!

Well...after the last blog entry..I thought nothing else could possibly go wrong!
Please don't EVER say that..EVER!
I turned my beloved computer on, on Monday morning and blew the friggen thing up!!
Can you believe that??
Was I put on this earth to be tested or does someone really not like me?? I'm not that a person..really I'm not!!
Thank God my neighbour chose to come to our house the other night when her computer technician couldn't start his car...thank God that Michael got it going for him (the dickhead had left it in reverse!!) and thank God that this guy was a very grateful dude and said he'd give me a discount off my computer repairs if I ever needed it.
I just didn't realise how soon I'd need that discount!
Fair dinkum...
In saying that though the bill still came to $600- but thank God again...the guy is letting me pay him off.
I've been walking around the house like a little lost sheep staring at the blank space where my tower should be. :(
But..she's all fixed and ready to go again. :)
Update on the last blog:
I still have 2 completely good arms. :)
Jyes arm isn't broken and I've sent him back to school today. :)
Michael has fixed the dune buggy by himself so saved us money there. :)
However, Michael now has another asshole 'cos I ripped him a new one for not making sure Jye had a helmet and his seatbelt on. :(
See, things really do turn out well in the end. :)
Sharryn :)


Mardi said...

Far out Sharryn.... the computer as well.. so unfair!!

...but Im also glad to hear Jyes arm is least there was some good news...

Mardi x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharryn,
You do sound like you've had a bit of a rough trot. A bit stressful. Now that things have settled down you can breath eaiser :)
I love that LO of Jye on his birthday. Such a gorgeous smile.
Take care

Karen said...

Its just not your week is it Sharryn! Glad the putah is all better, but not that it cost ya $600! OUCH!!! Lucky to be able to pay it off eh!
Glad that Jyes arm is ok. Thats the last thing you need.!

Sending lots of good luck vibes to you! You need it!

Oh, and keep an eye out in the mail for that little 'something' I am sending for completing that challenge I set you DT gals! Cant decide on one winner...LOL!

Take care Sharryn


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