Friday, June 02, 2006


Far out!! Kids..who'd have 'em???
I'm not sure if Rhiannon getting her license was such a good thing if I'm going to gt the crap naged out of me to let her drive Michaels car!!
Already there have been arguments over it. He needs that car to get to other way to get there. She was told before she got her license not to ask for the car as it isn't insured for her to drive it. Yes..we could look into getting her name on the policy but I had to do the same thing for Josh when he got his license and it was going to cost us an absolute fortune. I seriously can't see that we need to do that considering she's not allowed out to go too far anyway and doesn't need a car when she gets her ass driven everywhere she wants to go!! I think she thought we'd get her a car but like I've said to her..she has had far more given to her than an average 17yr old with her 2 to Japan in '04 the other to Alice Springs recently and unfortunately we aren't in a financial position to even think about getting her a car. Fairs fair I think.
Michael came home from Orange last night after working there for 3 days. I think I have to go up to the primary school on Sunday to make the morning tea as there is a working bee going on. At the moment I feel like shit so I'll see how I feel then. A bit nauseous at the moment..I didn't sleep all night last night I just think I have so much on my mind.
Anyway..I'm off to church this morning..Jacks year has a grade Mass.
I'll be sure to keep you all in my prayers. :)
Sharryn :)

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